Por Israel

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| viernes febrero 28, 2025

Israel: una incógnita a revelar

“Israel: Demasiada historia para tan poca geografía.”

Publicado en La Ilustración Liberal No. 47, edición impresa,

Primavera del 2011

Israel nació por un ideal: el ideal sionista. Volver a la Tierra de Israel era el sueño de miles de judíos diaspóricos, perseguidos y errantes. Discriminados y segregados, en cuanto se integraban a una sociedad les hacían sentir que no pertenecían a ese lugar.

El sionismo ha sido el movimiento nacional del pueblo judío, errante, perseguido, víctima de un genocidio y al que todos sus vecinos declararon la guerra el mismo día de la fundación del  Estado, cuando siete ejércitos lo invadieron para un nuevo exterminio. Pero fue la fe, la fuerza interior de nuestro pueblo, y el deseo de defender nuestra tierra lo que permitió que, a pesar de seguir siendo el pequeño David, pudiera vencer, otra vez, al gigante Goliat.

A finales del siglo XIX, comienza la concreción de un sueño: volver a la tierra de nuestros ancestros, de la que habíamos sido expulsados. Volver a buscar aquello que nos correspondía por derecho histórico. Y así empezó la vuelta a casa para recuperar nuestro legado.

Israel es un país  desconocido para el mundo. No se ha dado en la historia un caso tan extraordinario de resurgimiento. Resurgió el idioma bíblico adaptándolo a la modernidad. Resurgieron ciudades antiguas y se construyeron nuevas. Renació la música, los teatros, las universidades. Se desarrollaron los medios de difusión —radios, periódicos, televisión—, los kibutzim o granjas colectivas, la Histadrut (central obrera), los hospitales  y un sistema de salud que hoy es un ejemplo para el mundo. Los pioneros judíos pudieron concretarlo, imbuidos del espíritu de los Macabeos. Los movía el amor a Eretz Israel. Todo se restauró o se construyó. Piedra sobre piedra, idea sobre idea, corazón sobre corazón y vida sobre muerte. Era un yermo, arenas y desiertos, al sur, y zonas pantanosas con mosquitos y malaria, al norte. Había que plantar árboles y disecar los pantanos. Uno por uno. La voluntad de construir una nación. Hoy son grandes bosques y tierras fértiles gracias a la labor del hombre.  Los árabes destruían y se volvía a levantar. Era luchar por el único trozo de tierra nuestro. Un fenómeno sin igual.  “La vuelta a casa”, al lugar donde dirigimos siempre nuestros rezos con la esperanza de regresar.  Siempre hubo judíos en esta tierra, pero eran grupos dispersos en asentamientos en todo el país: Jerusalem, Hebrón, Tiberias, Safed, Yavne.

La Tierra de Israel, Eretz Israel, con Jerusalén como milenaria Capital, es mucho más que un simple territorio. Es la que le da el alma y el corazón al pueblo judío. Sin la Tierra de Israel seguiríamos errantes por todo el mundo. Sin  la Tierra Prometida, recuperada y que cobija toda Nuestra Memoria, seriamos huérfanos otra vez.

Éste, y no otro, es el lugar donde habitaron los judíos desde el comienzo de nuestra historia. Desde que  el patriarca Abraham vino a poblarla hasta hoy, habiendo pasado por todas las conquistas de los grandes pueblos de la humanidad. Todos: babilonios, persas, griegos, romanos, islámicos, cruzados, tártaros, mamelucos, mongoles, turcos, ingleses. Todos pasaban y dejaban una parte de su historia.

Como dijo Ben Gurión: “Demasiada historia para tan poca geografía”

Y hoy, los israelíes somos parte de esa historia. Hemos vuelto a nuestras raíces. Tenemos el privilegio de ser parte de un proyecto de vida desarrollado hace siglos para iluminar al mundo con nuestros logros.

A Israel la construyeron izquierdas y derechas, dada la diversidad de pensamiento y de nacionalidades del pueblo judío en la Diáspora. Las grandes masas inmigratorias traían su ideario y lo volcaban a las nuevas instituciones que estaban en formación. Comenzó siendo un país socialista, con leyes laborales y sociales, necesarias para la organización y protección de los que iban llegando. El sistema hospitalario de Israel es, aun hoy, uno de los mejores del mundo, y data de  esa época. Era una estructura donde el  kibutz y la Histadrut representaban el ideal social  y donde las ideas de Borojov y Katzenelson tomaban fuerza a través de un sostenido sentimiento comunitario y  sionista. Pero no menos sionistas y solidarias eran las ideas nacionalistas de Zeev Jabotinsky y Rav Kook, uno laico y el otro religioso. Se daban todas las tendencias dentro del sionismo.

Comenzó siendo un país fuertemente agrícola, famoso  por sus cítricos. Israel exportaba naranjas apreciadas en el mundo entero. Después vinieron las flores y así siguió con diversos productos que eran requeridos desde el exterior. Ya empezaban con la investigación para mejorar los frutos. De aquí salio el tomate cherry y muchísimas variedades de frutos que hoy se consumen en las mesas familiares sin que el mundo lo sepa. Israel se especializa en producir variedades exóticas de frutos tropicales para exportación y consumo interno. Entrar a un supermercado y ver los vegetales sobre las góndolas es una explosión de color y sabor, natural y sano. La agricultura todavía desempeña un papel de importancia en la economía israelí, representando hoy en día aproximadamente el 2,0% del PIB y un 3,5% de las exportaciones. En términos monetarios, Israel produce casi el 70% de lo necesario para su alimentación.

El éxito de la agricultura en el país se basa en la determinación y el ingenio de los granjeros y científicos, que se dedicaron a desarrollar una agricultura floreciente en un país cuya superficie es en su mayor parte desértica, demostrando así que el valor real de la tierra es función de cómo se la utiliza.

Y así como en agricultura se utilizó el ingenio, también en otras áreas Israel comenzó una carrera meteórica en Investigación y Desarrollo. Se dedicaron grandes esfuerzos para  captar, especialmente, a los profesionales, científicos, ingenieros y técnicos que inmigraron, en los años 90, desde la ex Unión Soviética. La gran cantidad de profesionales capacitados es la causa principal de los logros científicos y tecnológicos del país.  Esa tendencia seguirá  en alza en las décadas venideras con la nueva generación de jóvenes creadores de Start ups —empresas de programación e innovacion — y de empresas que desarrollan altas tecnologías de nivel muy  especializado. Nanotecnología o tecnología de la miniaturización.  Israel exporta tecnologías sofisticadas a todo el mundo. Y las investigaciones se llevan a cabo en siete universidades, establecidas por todo el país, en decenas de institutos de investigación, públicos y estatales, y en cientos de empresas civiles y militares. Investigaciones muy importantes  se desarrollan en el Instituto Weitzman de Rejovot  y en el Tejnion de Haifa

¿Y los israelíes? ¿Como son los israelíes?  Hay de todo, como es todas partes. No siempre son modelo de educación. Caracteres fuertes debido a las guerras que han pasado. No han podido darse el lujo de bajar los brazos. Pero son como el higo del desierto: espinosos por fuera y dulces por dentro. Todos son presidentes, todos le dicen al primer ministro qué debe hacer. Discuten de política en la  caja del supermercado, cuando van a pagar, y si te falta una moneda te la ofrecen —me ha pasado—,  o si subes al autobús y el conductor no tiene cambio, te dan el dinero del pasaje. Es un pueblo increíblemente solidario.  Quizá se deba a todas las penurias pasadas.

Pero hay algo más conmovedor aún: para el Día del Holocausto, Iom Hashoa, o para el Día de la Recordación de los Muertos por Israel, cuando suena la sirena en  el país y se congela todo el Estado, el recogimiento y el respeto por nuestros muertos, el sentimiento de la población, que detiene toda actividad y se queda en silencio en el lugar donde está. Simplemente esta  emoción hace algo maravilloso de esta nación. Algo que nos recuerda que cayeron muchos, que no los olvidamos y que siguen en nuestro corazón. Y cuando un país tiene alma y corazón no puede ser exterminado como quieren muchos. Ése es el concepto de “nación” que no todos entienden. Somos una nación, Am Israel, unida por la mística de la Tierra de Israel. Eretz Israel. Y allí donde haya un judío estará unido a nuestra tierra por lazos inquebrantables de sangre y de tradición. No hay Israel sin judíos ni judíos sin Israel. Aquel que lo niegue no conoce su identidad.

Hemos vuelto a recuperar nuestra tierra y nuestra historia. No somos perfectos y nos exigen serlo cuando ningún país lo es. Somos un gran shtetl ** en el que desarrollamos el ingenio para sobrevivir. Somos los mismos judíos expulsados de España o asesinados en Alemania, que, al desaparecer, dejaron un hueco de intelectualidad y sabiduría. Esos judíos, expulsados o asesinados, son los mismos que se desarrollaron en Israel para construir este “Pequeño Gran País” en el cual tengo el privilegio de vivir.

Vine desde Argentina para encontrarme con mis raíces y cumplir un sueño en la Tierra de los Milagros. ¡Y aquí estoy! Porque a pesar de todo y de todos, ¡LOS HEBREOS, ESTAMOS EN PIE!

**Shtetl. Pequeña aldea judía de la Europa Oriental

***Dori Lustron es ciudadana israelí nacida en Argentina.  Licenciada en Letras. Escritora y periodista de política internacional, experta en hasbara/esclarecimiento. Es Directora de la Web http://www.porisrael.org/  Escribe para diferentes publicaciones. Ha realizado giras de conferencias por España y Latinoamérica explicando la situación de Israel y el conflicto. Asimismo, se ha presentado en debates en universidades, radio y televisión.


Extraoedinaria feflexion de Diri lustron!!!!!!!!!!!gracias,Todah Beatriz Susana Dubson .Buenos Aires

Manuela ruiz Lobo

Hermosa exposición querida Dori ¿Quien pudiera está en Erez Israel ,aunque fuese para coser los botones de la ropa de nuestros amados soldados.¡¡¡Quien pudiera!!!!…Muchas gracias,por tu informaciones sobre Erez Israel que son tan valiosas…Un abrazo desde lo más profundo de mi alma….

Israel atesora algo de lo que el resto de las naciones adolece, y es el sentimiento de constituir una gran familia , compuesta por gentes diversas y no siempre bien avenidas, pero si en cambio solidarias y conscientes de su destino comun … tal vez ello se deba, a la memoria colectiva que caracteriza al pueblo judio, independientemente de cual sea su estatus social o posicionamiento ideológico, embuido como historicamente ha venido estando, de una «fuerza interior» que le ha llevado a superar adversidades sin fin, y convertir el milagro del anhelado retorno a Sion, en asombrosa y gozosa realidad …
algo que con su descriptivo y magnifico alegato, ha sabido trasladarnos mejor que nadie, nuestra Amada Dori …
Vá pues por ella, mi Afectuosa Felicitacion …

Nancy Ingunza

There will be peace in the world when there is only one Lord and his name one; which means that there will be only one religion instead of three: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Judaism is the oldest monotheist religion; Christianity has been established from Judaism but as a separate religion with Jesus Christ as its head. However Jesus has said that he did not come to destroy the Law or the Prophets (Judaism); therefore Christianity should not be a separate religion from Judaism per Matthew 5:17-19.
Islam was founded in the VII century A.D., and they do not have a single scripture, or witness that back Mohammed´s claim that he was a prophet of God, other than his own words and that is invalid, so the Moslems scholar use the words of Jesus in the Gospel to claim that Jesus foretold the advent of Mohammed, which is false.
Yahweh is the God of Israel; but they do not have a name for him; however what no one knows is the YAHWAH IS JESUS.
Jesus means “My Salvation” or “Thy Salvation”. “And in that day thou shalt say, O Lord, I will praise thee; though thou was angry with me, thine anger is turned away, and thou comfortedst me.
“Behold, God is my Salvation; I will trust and not be afraid; for the Lord JE-HO-VAH (I AM) is my strength and my song; he also is become my Salvation.” (Is. 12:1-2) Yahweh will transform himself in Jesus
It is a fact that the Jewish people only fear God; but do not love him because they do not know him; and on the other side, Christians have cut God to their own side and think they can manipulate him; or tell him what to do.
From all his apostles, John was the closest one to Jesus because his love for him was as that of a little child for its mother; there was no element of fear in it. That is the kind of relationship the Lord God wants to have with his chosen people according to his words through Isaiah:
For thus said the Lord, Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river, and the glory of the Gentiles like a flowing stream; then shall ye such, ye shall be borne upon her sides, and be dandled upon her knees.
“As one, whom his mother comforteth, so I will comfort you; and ye shall be comforted in Jerusalem. (I. 66:12-13)
On the main altar of the oldest Catholic Church in Lima, Peru, founded by the order of Our Lady of Mercy, in 1614, there is a painting of Jesus Christ alone. Looking at it, I noticed that behind the picture begin to emerge two different men from his right and left side. One is a white haired man older man; and the other a younger black haired man; while the original painting of Jesus Christ begins to “thin out” till it disappears while the figures of the two men that emerge from behind him begin to grow; till there were left two different men. Then, slowly, just as the two men had emerged from behind the original painting of Jesus Christ, the two men merge into one while the figures of the men begin to “thin out” or disappear.
Philip said to Jesus, “Show us the Father and that will suffice us.” Jesus replied, “How long have I been with you; yet you do not know me, Philip? He that hath seen me hath seen the father, and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?
“Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father is in me? The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself; but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.
Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father is in me; or else believe me for the very works´ sake.
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; because I go unto my Father.” (John 14:9-12)
Jesus revealed to a favored soul (Saint) that he had not manifested himself before because then the people would have followed him out of fear and not out of love; and also the Mystery of the Redemption could not have been able accomplished: Jesus had to die and resurrect to redeem man and to destroy death.
Jesus is God and he became Son of man to be able to suffer and pay for the sins men could not pay; and redeem man (See Isaiah 53); and through his death and resurrection, Jesus destroyed death so that the words of God through Isaiah might be fulfilled; “Thy dead men shall live; together with my dead body shall they arise. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust; for thy dew is as the due of herbs and the earth shall cast out the dead.” (Is. 26:19)
The Eternal God became a mortal entering into time, the world of man, in the womb of Mary. Thus the Mystery of Redemption began in the house of Mary. The grave could not contain God, thus with his death and resurrection Christ destroyed death. Jesus takes man to a greater perfection. He came to show men that the way of the cross leads men to the resurrection. Modern man tries to avoid pain, or the way of the Cross.
There is only one God and three manifestations of the same God:
The Father is the person of God and He is infinite; the Son is the Incarnated Word of God; the Verb of God made Flesh; the Holy Ghost which is the Intellect/Intelligence of God. Jesus said that a blasphemy against the Son of man can be forgiven; but a blasphemy against the Holy Ghost cannot be forgiven in Heaven or on earth; that was the sin Lucifer and his angels committed for which they can never be forgiven. To contend with God for power is a sin against the Holy Ghost.
The Mystery of God:
A XII century Cistercian monk, Joachim da Fiore, founder of the Florence Order, meditating on the Apocalypse, woke up inspired on Resurrection Sunday; he envisioned the Mystery of the Holy Trinity as three interconnected circles: The first circle corresponded to the Age of the Father, and it was the Old Testament. The second circle was the Age of the Son, and it was the New Testament. The third circle was the Age of the Holy Ghost, or Holy Spirit when there would be an outpour of the Spirit of God on humanity and it is only during this third age that there would be a true understanding of the words of God in its most profound meaning. A new monastic order of pure holy monks will be created that will spiritually renew the world. The people will live in peace and harmony as in a huge monastery; they will learn to love and to share; and the old (present) corrupted system will be done away with.
Jerusalem will be a city of peace; through Isaiah, the Lord tells them, “For brass, I will bring gold, and for iron I will bring silver…
“Violence shall no more be heard in thy land, wasting nor destruction within thy borders, but thou shall call thy walls Salvation, and thy Gates Praise.
“The sun shall be no more thy light by day, neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto you; but the Lord shall be thine everlasting light; and the days of thy mourning shall be ended.
“Thy people also shall be all righteous; they shall inherit the land for ever, the Branch of my planting, the work of my hands that I may be glorified.
“A little one shall become a thousand; and a small one a strong nation; I, the Lord (Jesus Christ): will hasten it in his time” (Is 60:17-22)
The Sermon from the Mountain:
Seeing the multitudes, Jesus went up a mountain, and he taught them:
“Blessed are the poor in spirit: For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:3) The poor in spirit are the non-ambitious people that are content with the little that God has given to them.
“Blessed are they which mourn; for they shall be comforteth.” (Matt. 5:4)
“Blessed are the meek (non-aggressive): for they shall inherit the earth.” (Matt.5:5)
“Blessed are they which hunger, and thirst after righteousness; for they shall be filled.” (Matt. 5:6)
“Blessed are the merciful; for they shall obtain mercy.” (Matt. 5:7)
“Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God. (Matthew 5:8)
“Blessed are the peace makers: for they shall be called the children of God.” (Matt. 5:9)
“Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
“Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake.
“Rejoice and be exceedingly glad; for great is your reward in heaven; for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.” (Matt. 5:10-12)
“You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt have lost his flavor, wherewith shall it be salted? It is therefore good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden underfoot of men. (Matt. 5:13) Jesus is saying that humans are the alt of the earth; but when humans have lost their feeling of humanity; they are good for nothing but to be destroyed with wars.
“Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill (truth of god) cannot be hid. (Matt. 5:14)
“Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bed; but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. (This means that God enlightens some of his chose people, for them to enlighten others.)
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. (Matt. 5:15-16) What Jesus is saying – that he said it to Peter is that once his faith was strengthen, he should also strengthen the faith of his brethren.
I have been shown through dreams that the will of a man is like a car that the Lord God gives to everyone. Those that do the will of God are good drivers that will arrive safely to their destination. But those that do the will of a wicked person, is like letting a crazy or drunken driver drive his car; he will drive it recklessly and end up in the abyss.
The world is going now through a dark night; and the only light there is, is the faith in Jesus, who is God. Nobody can drive his car safely in a darkened world filled with dangerous curbs without light; he will fall into the abyss. I feel so sorry for the young people in the United States, it is prohibited to pray or to teach children about God in the U.S. public school system; living under the pressure to succeed in a materialistic system, many turn to drugs to escape a hopeless world or to violence out of sheer frustration feeling the system has failed them. Man cannot live without hope; and in the materialistic system established by the West (USA) outside material values, there is no hope.
The people do not know what it is to live without love, or without hope that things will get better or could change.
Also nobody really knows Jesus, who is God; nor do they know the world of God. The prelates of the Church only reflect the way of the world; or the way of the flesh.
When I was 8 years old, I had a vivid dream I colors: I was in a place at night but it was all lighted where I was. I saw a man come down from the roof of a house; he was in the company of men. He looked at me with a loving smile. I felt my heart filled with love and my spirit experienced such a delight that words cannot describe that experience.
Every night I rushed to bed hoping to see that man of my dreams; but I did not see him again. Many years later in the United States my son brought me a Bible from his father’s house (I was divorced); and I read it alone; and reading “Song of Solomon” 3:1-3, I understood that Solomon also had the same experience I had when I was eight years of age: Solomon also saw Jesus in a dream. Jesus is called the “Bridegroom of the soul.”
Later on in Peru, reading about the lives of the saints, I understood that many of the saints also have had the same experience I had. Saint Anthony of Padua said before he died, something like this, “Now I am going to be able to see the face of the one I sought all of my life.” Then he added that he shows his face to those Jesus wants to separate for himself from the world. Saint Rose of Lima, the first saint of the New World, before she died she said to a priest that was assisting her, “Now I am going to be able to see the face of the one I sought all of my life.”
So why would I want to see the face of an old vain man, as the Roman pontiffs.
Nobody has taught me the Bible; I have read it alone with Jesus as my teacher. I have never assisted to any Bible classes because I feared that they might contaminate my spirit.
To those that want to read and understand the Bible, I would suggest they do, as I did, begin reading the New Testament, the four Gospels that are the teachings of Jesus Christ: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. And leave aside the Epistles of Paul. After reading the words of Jesus Christ was like drinking pure crystalline water, and the Epistles of Paul were to me like muddy water that bogged down my mind. I just could not enter, or swallow them. But with Martin Luther, the originator of the Protestant sects it was the other way around; he could not grasp the teachings of Jesus; but the words of Paul in Romans 1:17 “enlightened” his mind. Jesus taught that the servant is not above his maser; but when he is fully rained he is a la part with his master. The Protestants put the teachings of Paul above those of Jesus.
As a matter of fact the difference between the Catholic Christian and the Protestant teachings is that they base their faith, or doctrine in the words of Paul in Romans 1:17. I have attacked Paul a great deal because the Protestants use his teachings to seek to destroy the Church. But Jesus showed me in a dream that Paul was his loyal servant like a faithful dog and that my words were like throwing him stones. I was hurting him with my attacks.
Who is Paul? He is called the Apostle of the Gentiles because Jesus Christ called him to take his teachings to the Gentiles, to be preserved among them in Greek; till he returned when the teachings of Jesus Christ will go back to Jerusalem, or to the Jews. Christianity is really Judaism, and Paul took it to the Gentiles but adding the teachings of Jesus Christ.
In his effort to get the Gentiles accept the teachings of Jesus Christ, he kind of abbreviated Judaism; and that angered some of the Apostles specially James. The Gentiles were willing to accept the teachings of Jesus Christ, but they did not want to be converted first to Judaism and be circumcised. Paul taught that faith in Jesus was enough; and they did not have to be converted to Judaism, nor be circumcised.
When the Jewish revolted in the year 70 A.D., the Romans destroyed their city and their temple was burned and the teachings of Jesus Christ were preserved among the Gentiles in Greek; otherwise they would have been lost.
The Church teaches that the New Testament invalidated the Old Testament that is the past history of the Jews; but that is not true. Jesus said that he did not come to destroy the Law or the Prophets (Judaism) but to fulfill… (See Matthew 5.17-19) And he said,” For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot and one tittle shall in no way pass from the law till all be fulfilled.” (Matt. 5:18) And there are yet may unfulfilled prophecies in the Old Testament.
On Christmas’ eve, in 1979, I had a dream: I found myself in a modern city in total darkness; but there were posted lighted traffic signs telling the people the way the traffic should move. But there was a “Policeman” directing the traffic against the posted lighted signs; and all followed his instruction. I refused to move against the posted lighted signs so they all shouted angrily at me, trying to make me move, like them, against the posted lighted signs. I refused to do their will so they hemmed in my way, till I could not take one more step. But rather than moving against the lighted signs, I just sat on the ground with my horse (I was on horseback). Thus the Lord God showed to me that I would suffer great persecution for following his Laws.
In a very impacting dream, I saw myself in a city in darkness that was filled with snakes that moved at a tremendous speed. I was carrying a box (I was buying a house) and my front view was partially blocked. It was impossible to take a step without stepping on a snake or being bitten by another one. I wanted to cry out as there was no one to help, when I saw at the distance a line of, I do not know if they were men or women, people in brown tunics with hoods walking bent down as in humility and had only little bundle as their possession. I noticed that there were no snakes where they were so I decided to join their line.
But as our line progressed, I noticed that our way went upwards like climbing a mountain and it became very narrow until there was room for only one foot at the time. We had a mountain (God) on one side; and an abyss on the other side; a false step and down one would go. I wanted to cry as there was no one to help; then I decided, “If I put my foot on the footprint of the one before me, I will not fall into the abyss” and thus struggling I was moving along, when I noticed across on the other side of the abyss, there was a broad way and there were men on suits like the Protestant pastors, singing and jumping from one side to the other. I asked to, why didn´t I take that wide road instead of that narrow one? When suddenly a storm broke loose and the wide road ended up in the middle of nowhere. They made themselves shelters with cardboard and sheets that the raging winds blew them away in no time; but our way continued. I was glad I had taken the narrow path.
Jesus warned not to take the broad way that it leads to destruction but to take the narrow one that leads to salvation.
Now if those on the broad way (Protestants) wanted to get to our side, they could not just cross over to our side as the abyss was between us; but they had to go back and start from the bottom as we all had done.
To be able to get into the Catholic Church, and destroy it, sixty-six Protestant religious leaders, headed by a professor from the University of Copenhagen, K. Skydsgaard, Head of the Lutheran World Federation met secretly with Pope John XXIII and told him that there was no place for Christianity in the modern world; and for Christianity to survive that Catholics and Protestants had to merge under one church; and to make the Catholic Church more attractive to the Protestants to prohibit the use of Latin; and to “water down the cult to the Madonna” (Mary), etc. They met with Pope John XXIII secretly; and after John XXIII died; the same group met with Pope Paul VI, and that meeting was reported in a book wherein Skydsgaard said they had met before with “the dear Pope John, so full of courage (he had insulted Mary)”. The Apostle John is the author of the Apocalypse from visions he had while prisoner in the island of Patmos for the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ, ad he described the Protestants, in Apoc. 9:1-11 as locusts that came from the smoke of the bottomless pit when a star (Martin Luther) fell from the sky to the earth and he opened the bottomless pit. Luther opened the gate of Hell from where a smoke came out and the Locusts (Protestants) came from that smoke. Apocalypse 9:11 says that they have the angel of the abyss, that is Lucifer as their King.
Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ, came to a village of Portugal named Fatima, for six times in 1917, to help bring to an end the First World War; and to prevent World War II; but Pope Pius XI ignored her words. Jesus sent warning of World War II to Pope Pius XI in June 1929; but the Pope ignored it, till 1939; when he saw the troop movement in Europe.
Mary left a message at Fatima, in Portugal, to be read by the Pope in 1960, to save the United States and prevent a nuclear war with Russia and China, but Pope John XXIII refused to read it, saying, “We are inclined to be in disagreement with the prophets of gloom and doom that are always predicting the end, as if the end were to come.” (It came for him as he died on June 3rd, 1963)
In that message Mary said, “In no part of the world life is in order, Satan is dictating how things should be done from the highest position (USA) and his influence will reach to the top of the Church, what is rotten will fall never to rise up again. (See Ezekiel 17:24)
“He will have under his control the minds of the great scientists that invent the weapons that in ten minutes can easily destroy all life in the planet; and he will have under his control the rulers that will help accumulate an enormous quantity of those weapons.
“If things remain as they are (in 1960), or get worse, all things will come to an end; God will punish humanity with a severity not seen since the Flood; the poor and rich; the strong and weak will perish together. (This message is true because it is in Isaiah 24:1-6; since no one warned humanity about it, things got worse with the appearance of the godless Hippie generation in San Francisco in the mid-sixties; a generation that rebelled against the laws of God and against all authority and gave themselves to sex, drugs and rebellion. God is not going to pardon them anymore.)
“The time will come when no King, Ruler, cardinal or Bishop will wait for Jesus, who, however, will come but in order to punish according to the designs of my Father. (The Second Coming of Jesus Christ is in Apocalypse 19:11-16. Mary had warned that Jesus would come when no King or Ruler, Cardinal or Bishop would wait for him. And Jesus had warned that he would come like a thief in the night, without giving waning; and to watch and pray so that day they would be caught standing and worthy to stand in front of the Lord as it would come to all as the closing of a trap. God had promised to send the Prophet Elijah before the coming of the terrible day of the Lord in Malachi 4:5-6. The people are not aware that the French-born Hebrew Prophet Michel de Notre-Dame was Prophet Elijah that comes before the Lord; and he gave only one date, that is the date of the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ: “The year 1999 and seven months from the sky will come a great King of Terror to raise up the King of Angelical Cradle; Before and after Mars reign for a good hour.”
Mary said that Jesus was going to come to punish with a severity not seen since the Flood; and Jesus had said to those in Jerusalem that they would not see him henceforth till the day came when they would say, “Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord”. This means that one has to come before Jesus, whom those in Jerusalem must bless, and then Jesus will appear in Jerusalem.
The September 11th events took place after 1999 and seven months; that means that Jesus was the author of the attacks: two planes were crashed into the New York Financial Towers and another at the Pentagon; and Osama bin laden has been blamed for them; but Jesus was already here, as he warned he would come “Like a thief in the night (without giving warning).”Scientists have studied the falling of the NYC Towers and they came to the conclusion that it was humanly impossible for two planes to have brought down two huge entire buildings at a speed faster than gravity; and that the two planes just vaporized. They thought that perhaps the U.S. government had invented a super weapon and they had used it. They do not know the message Mary left for Pope John XXIII to read in 1960; nor do they know the words of Jesus in the Bible. Also there was another building that no plane touched, yet it fell completely. Nostradamus warned that a great King of Terror would come to raise up the king of Angelical Cradle that is Osama bin Laden; therefore Osama bin laden is not guilty of the 9/11 events but Jesus Christ because they have ignored the messages he had sent with Mary, first to Pope Pius XI in June 1929 to prevent World War II; and to Pope John XXIII to prevent another more terrible war, that will be a nuclear war. World War III. (See Apocalypse 16:15-20; and Jeremiah 50:8-16)
Moreover, Pope John XXIII opened the Second Vatican Council saying, “Providence is going to show that man, through his own efforts (suggesting without God´s help) is going to take the Church to its greatest glory.” Thus John XXIII took Jesus Christ, who is God, out of the Church with his Second Vatican at the suggestion of 66 Protestant religious leaders; that met with Pope John XXIII secretly one night at the Vatican library. The Pope called the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council in 1962 that is against God.
Pope John XXIII opened his Second Vatican Council with the sixty-six protestant leaders attending it as “Observers” but all the documents drawn went through their hands for approval. John XXIII died on June 3, 1963. The council was closed due to the morning period; but Pope Paul VI re-opened it; and at the closing of the Second Vatican Council thousands of thousands of priests and nuns abandoned the Church; and it has not been able to recover itself. Seeing all that exodus Pope Paul VI remarked publicly that the smoke of Satan had entered into the very heart of the Church; and that is true; but he is also responsible for it as he re-opened the Second Vatican Council after Jesus sent John XXIII to Hell, when he died on June 3, 1963. John XXIII had removed God from the Church.
The Lord God has given his word that when the Jewish people prepare a straight way for him in the desert, straightening what is crooked, that,
“The glory of te Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together” (Isaiah 40:3-5)
The U.S. rules over all nations making them believe that Darwin’s theory of evolution is true; that man is the product of a spontaneous evolution and not the creation of a God. But if Israel prepare a straight way for our God in the desert; then ALL OF HUMANITY WILL SEE THE PROOF OF THE EXISTENCE OF GOD; Israel will have their Messiah, their Temple and will inherit the land and have peace.
“The glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together; for the mouth of the lord hath spoken it.” (Isaiah 40:3-5)
Then Isaiah 52 will be fulfilled; “Awake, awake, put on thy strength, O Zion; put on thy beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city: for henceforth there shall no more come unto thee the uncircumcised and the unclean /Jerusalem shall be closed for all nations).
“Shake thyself from the dust; arise and sit down, O Jerusalem; loose thyself from the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion. . .”
“Therefore my people (the Jews) shall now my name (Yeshua/Jesus); therefore they shall know in that day that I (Jesus) am he (Yahweh) that doth speak: Behold, it is I.” (Isaiah 52:6)
FATIMA 1917: Mary came for six times in 1917 from May to October on the thirteen day of each month. In her sixth and last apparition that year, on October 13th, Mary performed a miracle seen by some 70,000witnesses so that the people believed that she really appeared to the three children shepherds. Mary came with Saint Joseph holding the Child Jesus in his arms to bless the people and grant peace to the world or the end of the First World War. The war ended in 1918.
Mary promised to come a seventh time, that is still pending and that has been foretold in Isaiah 52:7-10; and we can gather that the Child Jesus will come on her seventh apparition to bless the people and grant peace to the world. And this time the Jewish people will see him.
So it is very important for Israel to learn the entire story of the events that took place at Fatima, Portugal, that Pope John XXIII ordered to be silenced.
Fr. John De Marchi wrote a book on the apparitions of Mary at Fatima, in 1947; after spending three and a half years at Fatima in the company of Sister Lucia dos Santos, seer of Fatima. Even though John XXIII (1958-63) ordered in 1960 that everything concerning the apparitions of Mary at Fatima and her messages be silenced, Fr. De Marchi´s books have remained and thus we, outside Portugal, have learned about the Fatima events in 1917.

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